_We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.

Hari ini saya punya cerita...
Pernah nggak sih kalian memikirkan sesuatu, lalu tiba-tiba dalam waktu yang nggak lama, keinginan itu terwujud
Pasti pernah, kan?

Ini ceritaku..

Hari ini, entah kenapa pengen banget pakai baju warna hitam. Hasilnya, saya pun memutuskan untuk pakai celana hitam, baju atasan lengan panjang warna hitam, dan kemeja luaran tipis warna putih (biar nggak kelihatan berkabung banget).
Saya menyadari pakaian ini akan bikin gerah banget, apalagi jadwal hari ini cuma sampai siang.
Akan tetapi, karena moodnya pakai baju ini, jadi ya hajar aja..malah kepikiran pulang sore biar nggak panas

Nah, intinya ada di kata kepikiran ini, seperti sesuatu yang kuat dan yakin bahwa saya akan pulang sore, walaupun saya nggak tau akan ngapain untuk mengisi waktu dari siang sampai sore

15menit kemudian...
Dateng bbm (blackberry messaging) dari Desril, teman sesama pengajar yang isinya:
Mince, aku udah di jalan
Tapi tadi Junki sms kalau Hide ga belajar..gw balik lagi deh..kamu mau ga gantiin aku yang siang?hehehehe

Jadi, Junki dan Hide adalah murid privat kami, mereka belajar 6 jam dalam sehari *pengsan*
Sesi belajar mereka dibagi menjadi 3 sesi, yaitu jam 8.30--10.30, 11.00--13.00, dan 14.00--16.00
Nah, gw cuma dijadwalkan ngajar Junki sampai jam 1 siang, sesi selanjutnya dipegang Desril
Desril dijadwalkan ngajar Hide sampai jam 1 siang, lalu sesi selanjutnya ngajar Junki, si Hide ama pengajar lain

Nah kan...keinginan gw tercapai..GW PULANG SORE, walaupun yaa karena ngajar bukan karena santai2 ;)
Tapi, apapun itu..gw merasa senang!!
Entah senang kenapa, mungkin karena berhasil menghindari panasnya Depok--Jakarta di siang hari
Mungkin karena punya kegiatan untuk mengisi waktu sampai sore
Mungkin juga karena keinginan saya--yang cuma sepintas, tapi kuat--terwujud

Yang penting..SENANG!

Gw jadi berpikir, keinginan yang sesederhana itu aja bisa langsung terwujud dengan cara yang tak terduga. Bekalnya cuma yakin!
Keinginan..apapun namanya..bisa mimpi, harapan, cita-cita, doa, dan lain-lain yang muncul di pikiran atau perkataan pasti bisa tercapai!

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them
Walt Disney

Dapet Artikel menarik dari http://thesituationist.wordpress.com/2009/04/

From Live Science, here’s an interesting summary by Clara Moskowitz of recent research suggesting that “Smiles Predict Marriage Success.”  Here are some excerpts. * * *

If you want to know whether your marriage will survive, look at your spouse’s yearbook photos.

Psychologists have found that how much people smile in old photographs can predict their later success in marriage.

In one test, the researchers looked at people’s college yearbook photos, and rated their smile intensity from 1 to 10. None of the people who fell within the top 10 percent of smile strength had divorced, while within the bottom 10 percent of smilers, almost one in four had had a marriage that ended, the researchers say. (Scoring was based on the stretch in two muscles: one that pulls up on the mouth, and one that creates wrinkles around the eyes.)

In a second trial, the research team asked people over age 65 to provide photos from their childhood (the average age in the pictures was 10 years old). The researchers scored each person’s smile, and found that only 11 percent of the biggest smilers had been divorced, while 31 percent of the frowners had experienced a broken marriage.

Overall, the results indicate that people who frown in photos are five times more likely to get a divorce than people who smile.

While the connection is striking, the researchers stress that they can’t conclude anything about the cause of the correlation.

“Maybe smiling represents a positive disposition towards life,” said study leader Matthew Hertenstein, a psychologist at DePauw University in Indiana. “Or maybe smiling people attract other happier people, and the combination may lead to a greater likelihood of a long-lasting marriage. We don’t really know for sure what’s causing it.”

Hertenstein said he has considered other explanations, such as the possibility that people who smile more often tend to attract more friends, and a larger support network makes it easier to keep a marriage healthy. Or it could be that people who smile when a photographer tells them to are more likely to have obedient personalities, which could make marriage easier.

The results of the study fit into a larger pattern of research that has found many personality characteristics can be determined from very thin slices of behavior. Basically, we often reveal ourselves in the most subtle, simple ways.

* * *

The study is detailed in the April 5 issue of the journal Motivation and Emotion.

So, mari Jo Kawan, kita buka album foto kita ^0^being happy